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The Rainbow Body is our multi-dimensional energetic body. As light, the holographic layers of the rainbow body appear in the colors of the rainbow – chakra colors. Our mission is to develop a vehicle, the rainbow body, capable of embodying the fifth dimension in human form and lifting humanity’s amnesia.
The First Layer, Red: Physical Body- The body is encoded with the genes of our bloodlines. Our body is the vehicle of ascension in the earthly dimension. If we are to integrate a body of light into our earthly life, the body must be able to hold it. Our goal is to bring the Divine right down to the base chakra- embodying heaven on earth.
The Second Layer, Orange: Etheric Body- Our etheric body interfaces on the nerve trunk of the physical body. It is the template that guided formation of the physical body and the source of energy that animates and energizes it. Proper metabolism and respiration provides the richest source of electrons for the etheric body. Our etheric bodies draw Qi/Prana/Spirit from the collective body of nature through food and air.
The Third Layer, Yellow: Emotional Body- The emotional body is an energetic bridge between the physical world and the fourth dimensional or astral world. It sends messages through the etheric to the physical, which releases the chemicals of feeling into our bloodstream. Sometimes our purest feelings are misguided from interactions with the mental field. This body is our bridge to others- a field in which reactions are given and received.
The Fourth Layer, Green: Emotional-Mental Body- This is the first level of fourth dimensional awareness. This is the repository of our life experiences. These memories have a big emotional charge. Many of our core beliefs contributing to our assemblage point are emotionally based and directly linked to this layer of our rainbow bodies. Gaining a deeper relationship with this layer is important for healing this body.
The Fifth Layer, Sky Blue: Intellectual–Mental Body- This body is a thought field. The mental body contains products of those thoughts, pathways to the intellect, and parasitic entities. The brain’s intellectual capacities are programmed. We also have dysfunctional programming. Plugging into our intellectual-mental body will help us reprogram our brains.
The Sixth Layer, Indigo: Mental-Spiritual Body- This body is the upper astral layer. We experience soul connection here. The more we clear the lower rainbow layers, the stronger the connection to the mental-spiritual body. A stronger connection here means reconnection with inner truth, the integration of personality, and glow of awareness.
The Seventh Layer, Violet: Full Dragon-The eye of the needle, pinnacle of 4D. Carrying active kundalini. This is the highest state of spiritual awareness. When all layers of the rainbow body are in alignment, we can feel true harmony and resonance. Also, when this is reached and integrated you enter 5D-Ascension.
Julia Stubbe is a gifted energy intuitive, channeler and teacher, specializing in assisting others to wholeness through self-empowerment. For more on what Julia offers please visit
